Ballyoulster SHD - view 0
Ballyoulster SHD - view 1
Ballyoulster SHD - view 2

Ballyoulster SHD

Kieran Curtin, Receiver over certain assets of Maplewood Developments Unlimited Company (in liquidation and in receivership), hereby applies to An Bord Pleanála for a seven year planning permission for a strategic housing development on lands at Dublin Road and the Shinkeen Road, within the townlands of Donaghcumper and Ballyoulster, Celbridge, Co. Kildare.

In summary, the proposed development comprises a Strategic Housing Development comprising of 344 no. residential units (comprising 54 no. 1 beds, 30 no. 2 beds, 210 no. 3 beds and 50 no. 4 beds), a 2 no. storey childcare facility with a GFA of c. 369 sq.m, public and communal open space, landscaping, car and cycle parking spaces, provision of an access road from Dublin Road and Shinkeen Road, associated vehicular accesses, internal roads including 3 no. bridge crossings, pedestrian and cycle paths, bin storage, pumping station, ESB substations and all associated site and infrastructural works.
The application site has an overall area of 13.4 hectares, including works on the adjacent public roads required to facilitate the proposed development, and it is identified within the Celbridge Local Area Plan 2017-2023 as part of a key development area ‘KDA 2 Ballyoulster’.

The residential component of the development consists 214 no. apartments / duplex units, and 130 no. houses of to be provided as follows:

  • 4 no. 3 bed two storey detached houses;
  • 28 no. 3 bed two storey semi-detached houses;
  • 48 no. 3 bed two storey terraced houses;
  • 50 no. 4 bed three storey semi-detached houses;
  • 214 no. duplex apartments / apartments (54 no. 1 beds, 30 no. 2 beds, and 130 no. 3 beds) in a series of 15 no. duplex apartment / apartment blocks of 3 no. storeys in height

The proposed development includes significant provision of Public Open Space (approx. 25,586 sq.m / 18% of site area), including 3 no. Local Parks. In addition, provision is made for 2,151 sq.m of communal open space.

The proposed development will deliver a proposed access road connecting Shinkeen Road to Dublin Road, which will also serve the future schools site to the north. The proposals include a two-way cycle track which extends along the northern part of the Boulevard (north of Site A) before crossing through the public open space within Site C, and connecting with Site B. The Boulevard also includes the junctions to the reserved school site to the north (design reflects consultation with the Department of Education), and future residential phases to the east.